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A short documentary about Philly-based socially conscious hip-hop artist Angelo “Gello” Adson and his 1995 album Fruits Of Knowledge.

A film by Chad Eric Smith


Gello Fruits of Knowledge.jpg
Fruits of Knowledge: Welcome


Fruits of Knowledge is an upcoming documentary about Angelo “'Gello” Adson and his rare 1995 13-track album. The film will include interviews with Gello, members of his family, and the album’s producer(s).

In a year when animosity between East- and West Coast Hip Hop artists were reaching a boiling point, with fatal consequences in the subsequent years, Gello, “the hip hop scholar from the projects,” provided a positive counter-narrative for the culture. Song titles like “Learn to Love” and “Why You Got To Be A Gangster” are hints to the lyrical journey Gello took listeners on. The jazz-infused, upright bass-driven track “How'ma Get This Honey” tells the story of how Gello met his wife and makes references to several

beloved Philadelphia landmarks still relevant today.

The documentary will not only pay tribute to this little-known hip-hop history by exploring the music and its inspiration but will also honor the man behind the lyrics who would later go on to use his childhood trauma, street smarts, and knowledge to provide clinical consultation in the areas of mental health, substance abuse treatment, and recovery for African American youth, families and communities in the Philadelphia tri-state area. 

Fruits of Knowledge: About
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